Winnie Smith is a Mother, Evangelist, an Author, and an Entrepreneur!
She is a very passionate woman that loves the Lord with all of her heart!
Winnie Smith is a loving mother of five children. She lost one daughter in 2012 by an unfortunate situation. She then had to bury her mother one year later in 2013. Even with all she has had to endure, she is a faith leader who believes that God is the great physician, and he is still in the healing business. He allows things to happen but uses each situation to make us stronger and as lessons to apply to our lives. Winnie has overcome by the blood of the lamb and by the word of her testimony. She says, "In all things, I still trust my God and I am very receptive to the Holy Spirit!"
Winnie holds a Certificate in Leadership Public Speaking and has spoken at many functions and events.
She is a teacher in Children’s Ministry and sings in the Choir at her Church. She is pursuing a BACHELOR OF SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY @ THE CANADA CHRISTIAN COLLEGE. She is looking forward to her Master’s Degree, Doc. of Divinity at a later time. Winnie believes her apostolic teaching is from the Holy Spirit. She holds a Certificate as a Lay Evangelist In 2014, and she is an Intercessor. She is also officially a prayer partner with The Cross Road’s Ministries. Winnie also has a prayer line for her Facebook friends to contact: FAITHFUL PRAYERS and looking forward in the future for her own ministry doing the works of the Lord.
She has mastered some gifts in her early years to Designing Clothes and makes them from scratch. She took Fashion Designing at George Brown College of Applied Arts & Technology and Seneca College of Applied Arts & Technology. Winnie work’s p/t with Matrix Mortgage Global as a Marketing & Sales Consultant.
She has a FB PAGE www.facebook.com\divasbridal, Business: House of Diva’s Bridal Consultant Mobile, twitter:@houseof_divas, Instagram: HOUSE OF DIVA’S started in 2013. Winnie is an Entrepreneur with the ability to master any vision she has. In 2015 she started a line called Fashion Jewellery & Things under the same business; House of Diva’s @ events also on FB page.